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I really enjoyed this game the atmosphere and the puzzles were nice.

¿Por qué todo debe que suceder de noche? - Late Laundry - Haneko's Late Homework | Kompachi

Para mi primera vez lo logre, pero el monstruo siempre me causo vértigo y me hizo quedarme en un salón, ya que presencia no desaparecía.

Pero el juego me justo mucho, me recordó a jugar un juego de la PS1, mas juegos así. Este lo recordare en mi corazón.

Hola! Gracias por el comentario.

¿Qué programa usas para traducir automáticamente el texto del juego? ¡Nunca había visto algo así!


Lo descubrí no hace mucho, puede investigar como funciona durante el paso o por tutoriales en Youtube. Tambien se puede cambiar de traductor. Eso si, solo funciona en juegos que estén hecho en Unity. Link para que lo descargues:

TL:DR; A fantastic piece that perfectly blends the style of Animal Crossing and the original Silent Hill games in a unique way and I want more!

I cannot stress enough how much I would love to see this expanded upon. I think the overall art style is the strongest element about this game and I would love to see a full fledged game in this style! It works so well in terms of striking the uncanny valley for me with the cute chibi characters in contrast to the dilapidated environments and eldritch monsters.

I must also commend you on utilizing the environment effectively to sneak in subtle but effective scares that keep the player on edge. The murmuring in the boys bathroom, the ghost of your own character popping up in various places, and more were really nice touches that I feel should be highlighted more when talking about this game. 

However, this is where I must start talking about the issues that I had with the game. To begin with, the controls.

I am unsure if I was the only one with this issue, but the controls that were displayed on screen were not accurate. For example, the map in game says you have to press the back button in order to display the map. However, that didn't work for me. For some reason the button for me to display the map was the left trigger. This wouldn't have been an issue if there was an option to remap the controls, however to my knowledge there isn't any. (For context, I used a PS4 controller for my playtime.)

Speaking of controls, another issue I had in this regard was the inability to stay in third person. I personally am not a fan of fixed camera angles as they can be really disorienting to me usually, so I was pleased to learn that I could switch to a third person perspective at any given time. However I was quickly shocked to find out that the game would often force me out of third person into a fixed camera angle almost every time I entered a new room and I had to manually switch over to third person every time. This was really annoying to me.

Another issue I have in this game is the monster itself and how it "hunts" the player. I use "hunt" in quotation marks because the monster was such a non threat throughout the majority of my play time. Its general roaming speed is low, you have be basically five feet away from it to see you, you can easily outrun it, and you can easily escape it but walking into any room throughout the building.

Yet another major issue I had with the monster was how it worked when you collected all ten pages and had to get back to the entrance. The fact that it automatically knew where you were, even if it was on the other side of the map, is in my eyes, cheap. 

And truthfully this is a shame because the monster itself is scary. The visual design is great, the audio cues are fantastic, and the music that plays when it chases you is wonderful. I just wish it was more of an actual threat that required more threat in terms of trying to evade it and didn't rely on cheap gimmicks to actually endanger the player.

All in all I had a lot of fun with the game and I firmly believe that with a few tweaks here and there this could be a hit. Considering the amount of time that you had to make this game, what you have here is nothing short of impressive overall. I hope you expand on this more if you are interested and I can't wait to see what other products y'all put out!
(1 edit) (+1)

Great game, great atmosphere, love it. It's not easy to control moving at first, but increases the difficulty though :D  Honestly I got lost in this small room, couldn't remember which door to be out hhhhh

Thank you for your game.

(Wait, is there a map??

(1 edit)

I love survival horror games since I was young (9 years old) the first Resident Evil or Silent Hill. These games give me high vibes of that games. I love it!!!

PD: This footage is from Game Jam version.


he kinda goofy frfr like he jus want a hug

i played this for a few minutes but its almost midnight and i am too much of a weenie to finish this tonight. but holy moly the atmosphere is so good i need to finish this game it is amazing.

would you be willing to allow people to download your assets?


accidentally played without the map at all,really good game tho


I enjoyed this so much, keep up the great work. One of the best games I played this yr <3

Good Job

Guys, I loved the game! It has unique atmosphere and style. You inspired me and I want to translate it in russian (as a volunteer) c:

Un juego espléndido, recomendado


this game was actually so much fun

Cute character love the resident evil vide and the silent hill vibe! i loved it! check my gameplay out!  


I think it is too bad don't have puzzle


I LOVE THIS STYLE OF GAME, died but we came back for the win. sodaraptor killed it with this game

thats really goof for 2 weeks, who were the team members ? 


Thanks for game :)


How to make school even scarier

it could be amazing IF IT CAN SAVE MY PROGRESS :D


Is your dream to break into your old school and get chased by a monster? 
If so that's weird, but this is the game for you! 
Genuinely entertaining collection horror game. The monster is pretty freaky and gave me a few scares. Probably one of the better Game Jam games I've seen recently.

Perhaps it'd be helpful if you also put the default keyboard bindings as part of the instructions? I admit that when the first screen popped up it too me an embarrassing amount of time to press "E" to advance the textbook and it wasn't until my third try through the game I realized you run with shift 😅

Otherwise had a lot of fun with the game. I have never really played "Pages" type of horror games but I enjoyed that since the map is fixed you can plan around to run the game better next time if you fail.


Loved the camera angles! It felt really nostalgic and was well-paced


Nice short game! It's my first time playing a game with this sort of fixed camera movement/perspective (?) but luckily I was able to finish the game pretty easily. 

This was very VERY good. Please let me  know when you make more games!

this was awesome almost beat it on first try but he got me lol

Awesome game great job! You rarely see a survival horror game like this in the indie space, and you did it in 2 WEEKS! Was a lot of fun to play, keep up the good work!

BEWARE THE ANOMALY | Haneko’s Late Homework


Great update! The game just got better.

(1 edit) (+1)

Absolutely LOVED this game! Felt like I was playing old school silent hill/resident evil sometimes, really loved the style of this game, the 3rd person perspective, the tank controls, etc. And for being made in 2 weeks for a game jam this was impressive! Made a video on it.


I love this style of games and I hope there will be more games like this in the future! I look forward to playing it. 

Here is my gameplay: 


This game was short but complete blast. I was 100% fork cash for a full experience.  Thank you for the wonderful time!


Great Game!!!! :)

The game's really fun and I enjoyed running from the monster as well. It had a nice atmosphere to it. Keep it up.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.


Very nice game, you got some good screams out of me.

First time I legit screamed from a game in a long time. Well done. Can't wait to see what else you do <3 


This was excellent. Great atmosphere, controlled well on mouse and keyboard, loved the tension and creepy vibes I got playing it.

Only real complaint I'd have, and I know it was a gamejam game so it's not even really a huge issue, but lack of checkpoints: I died a few times, and having to replay the whole game each time was pretty frustrating.

I'd definitely pay for a longer version of this though. Keep up the awesome work, you have a real talent for making horror games. Excellent job! 

loved the game 

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