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This game was great! Loved the unsettling feeling I had the entire time I played it! It was the first game I played on this weeks 3 Scary Games!




There is low replay-ability right now, which is totally normal for a game made for a jam. I do think there is tons of potential though! The base mechanics are great and super straight forward. By adding some randomness such as homework spawn locations, the code changing between runs, etc there is a lot that can be done which open the possibility of more runs! I never played the timed mode, but I did enjoy the base game.


A game that, based on the graphics and movement, reminded me of the firsts Silent Hill/Resident Evil. Original story and very scary.

This game is a great concept, I love the art style and the creep factor was amazing. I had to play through it twice though because I didn't see the monster the first time XD. I'd love to see more games in the cute looking art style but sinister turning point. I posted it on my channel for those who'd like to see it, would recommend playing it first though

I love the camera point and different views! The movement is kinda funny at first but once you get the hang of it, it's a really good game

AMAZING GAME!!! I was super invested in it while playing. And the ambiance it had going on was really creepy. Can't wait to see what else you got in store for us!

I've enjoyed this game a lot, and I'd love to see more of it in the future

This actually Might be one of the most well developed Games I've Ever Played.. The Ambience had me going crazy and The Resident Evil 1 Transition Were So Heat😁👍

(Game is In The Video, Hopefully Y'all Enjoy and Like😭🙏)


This game was AWESOME! I wish there was more.


This is an amazing game, I love the early survival horror feel, not to mention the design of the anomaly is really creative.

The game provokes a sense of nervousness and terror that reminds me of when I first played Silent Hill. 

Awesome job! Definitely recommend it!


What a great short horror game! Took me too long to find the password but I rly enjoyed how scary it was!

Hey! Theres someone reposting this game on GameJolt and im pretty sure its not you, so its fishy.

I really loved playing this. The different sounds and effects in each room added a lot to the atmosphere.

This game is AWESOME! I really like the art direction and the camera angles. A sequel set in an abandoned 2 story mansion would be perfect.

This was such a decent small horror gem!

I've enjoyed the game, good work on this!

can this be added to steam

This game is a mix of cute and terrifying. The character is adorable, and the game is very spooky. I loved it!

Here's my gameplay if you'd like to see:


silly game


I really loved the feeling of nostalgia the game gives you. It reminded me of the old horror games I used to play on the PS2, from resident evil to silent hill games. Thanks For the GAME!!!

Me encanto este juego, lograste muy bien la ambientación PSX

Dejo mi gameplay

great game, loved the OG PS2 style camera movement 


Very cool and unique horror game! Really enjoyed this one.

A nice short challenge.  Ultimately I enjoyed it and gave my thoughts at the end. I appreciate you continued to improve your work even after the jam had been completed.

Amazing game.

Funny and creepy game. Here is my gameplay (Spanish). Hope you like it!

It was fun! kinda confusing for the last one (I didn't find the hint lol) but overall really cool!

Ok, this is really good game. Not too hard not too easy. I really like how camera works in this game.


This is a really good game.

incredible atmosphere

late homework has like the perfect amount of modernization on a thoroughly recreated classic horror gameplay loop. love love the more unique encounters and the portal doors are a really clever way of optimizing space and gaining utility. the back up camera is so appreciated too I loved being able to pick which scenarios I wanted the fixed cameras in. the whole thing took me 2 tries and on the last one I very narrowly escaped. the shock I felt when I got all the pages felt exactly like it did back in silent hill, just having a poorly mapped out area in my mind and booking it for whatever door was open with that pounding track playing. and speaking of doors the cute lil animations for going through them never got old. normally I would try to provide some constructive criticism if it's desired, but I genuinely can't think of anything I'd change.

i really love this game! love the ambience and the silent hill vibes!

A noite, alguns lugares que normalmente vemos durante o dia a dia podem ficar extremamente assustadores, você não quer ter que voltar a escola a noite, infelizmente este foi o caso da Haneko.

Mas, você que talvez tenha ou vá perder seu trabalho de escola hoje, veja isso aqui antes!:

LOVED THE GAMEEEEEEE!!!!! eu AMEI o jogo!!!! Sou completamente peidado pra jogos de terror e consegui aproveitar cada polígono dessa obra prima!!!! 

I really enjoyed this game the atmosphere and the puzzles were nice.

¿Por qué todo debe que suceder de noche? - Late Laundry - Haneko's Late Homework | Kompachi

Para mi primera vez lo logre, pero el monstruo siempre me causo vértigo y me hizo quedarme en un salón, ya que presencia no desaparecía.

Pero el juego me justo mucho, me recordó a jugar un juego de la PS1, mas juegos así. Este lo recordare en mi corazón.

Hola! Gracias por el comentario.

¿Qué programa usas para traducir automáticamente el texto del juego? ¡Nunca había visto algo así!


Lo descubrí no hace mucho, puede investigar como funciona durante el paso o por tutoriales en Youtube. Tambien se puede cambiar de traductor. Eso si, solo funciona en juegos que estén hecho en Unity. Link para que lo descargues:

TL:DR; A fantastic piece that perfectly blends the style of Animal Crossing and the original Silent Hill games in a unique way and I want more!

I cannot stress enough how much I would love to see this expanded upon. I think the overall art style is the strongest element about this game and I would love to see a full fledged game in this style! It works so well in terms of striking the uncanny valley for me with the cute chibi characters in contrast to the dilapidated environments and eldritch monsters.

I must also commend you on utilizing the environment effectively to sneak in subtle but effective scares that keep the player on edge. The murmuring in the boys bathroom, the ghost of your own character popping up in various places, and more were really nice touches that I feel should be highlighted more when talking about this game. 

However, this is where I must start talking about the issues that I had with the game. To begin with, the controls.

I am unsure if I was the only one with this issue, but the controls that were displayed on screen were not accurate. For example, the map in game says you have to press the back button in order to display the map. However, that didn't work for me. For some reason the button for me to display the map was the left trigger. This wouldn't have been an issue if there was an option to remap the controls, however to my knowledge there isn't any. (For context, I used a PS4 controller for my playtime.)

Speaking of controls, another issue I had in this regard was the inability to stay in third person. I personally am not a fan of fixed camera angles as they can be really disorienting to me usually, so I was pleased to learn that I could switch to a third person perspective at any given time. However I was quickly shocked to find out that the game would often force me out of third person into a fixed camera angle almost every time I entered a new room and I had to manually switch over to third person every time. This was really annoying to me.

Another issue I have in this game is the monster itself and how it "hunts" the player. I use "hunt" in quotation marks because the monster was such a non threat throughout the majority of my play time. Its general roaming speed is low, you have be basically five feet away from it to see you, you can easily outrun it, and you can easily escape it but walking into any room throughout the building.

Yet another major issue I had with the monster was how it worked when you collected all ten pages and had to get back to the entrance. The fact that it automatically knew where you were, even if it was on the other side of the map, is in my eyes, cheap. 

And truthfully this is a shame because the monster itself is scary. The visual design is great, the audio cues are fantastic, and the music that plays when it chases you is wonderful. I just wish it was more of an actual threat that required more threat in terms of trying to evade it and didn't rely on cheap gimmicks to actually endanger the player.

All in all I had a lot of fun with the game and I firmly believe that with a few tweaks here and there this could be a hit. Considering the amount of time that you had to make this game, what you have here is nothing short of impressive overall. I hope you expand on this more if you are interested and I can't wait to see what other products y'all put out!
(1 edit) (+1)

Great game, great atmosphere, love it. It's not easy to control moving at first, but increases the difficulty though :D  Honestly I got lost in this small room, couldn't remember which door to be out hhhhh

Thank you for your game.

(Wait, is there a map??

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