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is there now a working mac version?

Hi Meow- not yet. We are prepping for a big new update soon that will include a working mac version.

how soon?

Early next month if I'm able to get my hands on a Mac to get a proper build going.

hell yeah!


I love your work! Metal Gear was the first game I thought needed to be its own movie as a 12 year old, so this brought back memories lol thanks!

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terrible idea I have, but what if snake rival for Koss?


Never got to play the original MG games, still, enjoyed playing a stealth game.

Also, good to know I was not the only one with the same idea. lol


Yo, that's a dope drawing! Yeah, a snake is the obvious first choice, but a lizard-type creature was too enticing to mix with a camouflage ability. Thanks for playing!


Wow I really loved this!

Any way to play this game in Windowed mode? I really want to stream it, but only have one monitor :( 


Not at this time. In-game resolution settings will be coming soon in a future update though.

I saw the game trailer and thought it was awesome. but i have a problem: the game is just dark, it seems to be lacking textures.

I´m using Windows 10.

Might be outdated drivers. Haven't seen anyone else mention this issue yet, try checking to see if you need to update either Windows or your graphics drivers.

they seem to be all up to date, but i´m using a quite old piece of hardware so that might be the problem

(1 edit)

Ah, I see. Still not sure how low-end specs would cause visual/texture issues, but it's possible. Are you using integrated graphics or do you have a dedicated gpu?


Cool game here's  a speedrun


Hey skuttie- thats awesome! Keep in mind the par times are super out of whack in the current build. Normally you would have gotten S in every level with those times. In an upcoming patch, we'll have everything corrected!

Good to know thanks

Damn boy this game be lookin kinda chunky



As a Metal Gear fan, I was really excited to see this announcement and you certainly didn't disappoint! 

It's a very faithful fan game, everything from the graphic to even the controls feel like they've been pulled from the original MGS. Easily one of the best Indies I've played recently.


Made a video


Bury me in the Corpo room. I've always been obsessed with the commander's room and seeing recreated so well made me happy. Would love any technical behind the scene on how you nailed the graphic so well.

How do I play this? I downloaded the mac download but it doesn't run.

(1 edit)

hi Meow- yes, we are having some technical difficulties with the Mac build of the game. We're hoping to have it fixed in an update soon. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Amazing! I love the items and extra mechanics. You've raised the bar for jam made MGS-likes! ;0


Thanks! I'd be lying if I said we weren't a little inspired by Exfiltrator 🤘


i love scalie metal gear


This game was a TON of fun!! I'm a huge Metal Gear fan and this was an excellent love letter to the series! Bigtime kudos to the game creators!!

See, when he said that security was tight, he was talking about their sunglasses. Those birds were dripped out.




Very impressive for a game done in 12 days! The art is spot on with the MGS1 Aesthetic. Love the animals especially how Koss's tail moves around while he runs. The music also fit well into the universe. 

Some feedback:

I didn't see a reason to walk anywhere. Crouching was used to sneak and run for everything else.

It was really easy to cheese the ai. I could run up to them and just run in a circle dodging their bullets and they would stand there confused. 

I didn't really use the drone - it felt easier and faster to run in through areas and just react to enemies as they saw me. 

I felt like because of how short the enemies were knocked out - I had to move very quickly through the area (which may or may not be intended).

With the enemies doing so little damage - it felt easier to run through areas and take damage instead of placing traps.

The camo ability is very strong. Often I could just hide against a wall right as an enemy walked by. They were even pushing me but didn't detect me. 

Overall great submission to the game jam. I look forward to your other creations.

Hi albird, thanks for the feedback. I agree with most of your points, especially regarding the AI, which we plan on improving. There's a lot of polish we intend to add! Cheers

Will modding be possible in the future? Like a small SDK for level creation?


Like what I'm seeing in the game, you guys did a good job


truely loved it i hope u guys keep making games 


Hopefully there will be a sequel! Covert Critter 2: Sons Of Lizards. Game looks fantastic, can’t wait to play after work. 


This was an amazing stealth game. Great work!


A solid fan game / recreation


Love the aesthetic of this game, great homage to MGS (even though I've actually never played the original).

Do have issues with some UI textures not rendering at all:

Game otherwise seems to run well on my admittedly budget PC.

OS is Arch Linux, GPU is an integrated Intel HD 530

Hey mahlemiut- yeah, not sure what could be happening there with the Linux version. We don't have any machines to test it on. Glad it at least runs though!


Tested running the Windows version via Wine, UI displays correctly there.  Can finally see what button to press to steal now :D


Awesome stealth game! The Metal Gear Solid 1 aesthetic was executed incredibly well! The mechanics feel great and play pretty close to MGS1. I like the animal character designs, they looked great! The music was also well done.

If I had to give some feedback, I felt that the controls could be tightened up. Often I found myself a little uncomfortable with holding a few keys down to try and do multiple actions at once. A controller implementation might help to alleviate this problem.

Regardless, this is an impressive project. It was a ton of fun! 


Great stuff, will make a video on it but thought to provide some feedback. One is a QOL suggestion that it'd be cool if you could lean against the wall and go around corners (Lets say, with Q/E) while remaining camo'd. The other is an oversight or bug where in Level 3, you can open the burnt/broken door beyond the 1st crawl-space area with the Blue Card and roam the void / outside of the map. (Unless there's some kinda hidden easter egg out there I didn't see...)


Thanks for the feedback- yeah you're not supposed to be able to open that broken door, that was an oversight. But hey, there could be something out there one day ;)

(5 edits)

-Novel was here-

Hi Neco- no worries. You were probably auto-blocked by an extension I use in Chrome called Blue Blocker and I just didn't notice. I've unblocked you.

(1 edit) (+1)

Oooh, well, that's a misunderstanding I can definitely handle rather than the misunderstanding I was worried over. Appreciated and as mentioned before, keep up the good work.

There are definitely a lot of Blue Verified Shill/Bot accounts constantly clickbaiting everything these days that I've blocked/muted too.

(2 edits) (+1)

That was awesome, surprised how well the feeling of MGS1 was captured (warts and all *shakes fist at radarless areas and lack of first person view. Drone doesn't count!*).

Short, sweet, and very fun!


Great  game


Amazing game. Really fun and nostalgic. 


Yooooooooo I need this game now


Koss?! Are you alright?! Koss?! Kossssssssssssssssssssss?!


Super Hype, got my controller out

No controller support....yet?

Great job with the PS1 filter and graphics. Really hope this gets to look and feel like MGS1. Feel free to make it your own and push the limits. Pack what you have with content and secrets!

Thanks! We definitely want to add controller support soon.


10/10 modern day metal gear solid experience.

Srsly though, well done!

Played to the end and damn there’s room for a second disc to be made let’s just say that lol.


I love it, amazing work and amazing the love you give to MGS with this game.


The Mac version won't launch. Pops up with an error (macOS 12.4) saying "The application can't be opened."

Sorry about that! Trying to fix it now.

Thanks! Can't wait to try it. :D (0.5 still has the same problem)


looks really impressive, cant wait to give this game a try. i finished mgs1 like a two weeks ago, so seeing something like this is really cool.


love it but where card in stage 3?

Hidden crouch area to the left of starting area.


thank u tips..very strange look :D but cool vibes snake :P

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